Sweet potato, a name we have all heard of, which is consumed all over the world. It’s a sweet tuberous root and a starchy food crop. There are a variety of sweet potatoes, ranging from the region and climate they’re grown in. In North East India, orange fleshed, purple as well as the white fleshed sweet potatoes are available. Out of these, the orange fleshed is the most nutritious, having a high content of Vitamin A. Let’s read more to find out its health benefits that will surely make us want to have some sweet potato this season.
These sweet potatoes are packed with amazing goodness. They are high in fibre and help in controlling blood sugar due to low glycemic index. It’s high in Vitamin B6, E and C. It is very good for the heart and digestion too. It relieves stress, strengthens immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption also prevents cancer.
We know now of it’s amazing benefits, but would you like to know how it’s grown and if it was easy to grow in our own kitchen garden. The answer is yes! This crop is very easy to grow, as it is a pest free hard crop, free from disease problems. It requires warm sub-tropical climates, with plenty of sunshine and less water compared to regular potatoes. One can plant sweet potatoes using slips-these are sprouts that have grown from the stored sweet potatoes, 15-20cm in length. These slips are sown directly on the well drained soil with just the top leaves above the ground surface. They have to be watered well to keep the soil moist, but not excessively till water clogs. It requires good supply of potassium and phosphorus. Within 4-5 months, once leaves turn yellow, the sweet potatoes are ready for harvest. Wash and air dry them for few days and they are ready for consumption. For a longer shelf life, they can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 months.
Sweet potatoes are versatile in cooking. They are consumed after steaming, boiling which is the traditional method how the locals prepare it. However, you can fry and bake them, for a healthier version of French fries or pancakes. Come again next time and we will share mouth watering recipes you can try with sweet potatoes.