Food lovers all know that Shiitake mushrooms are a delicacy. It’s commonly used in Chinese and Japanese recipes as it widely grows in East Asia. It requires a warm and moist climate, therefore suitable to grow during the months of March to October, even in the Northeast India. Now, we can grow them in our very own kitchen garden. It requires very little work and you’ll be able to reap its harvest for a period of six to seven years by simply planting it once. Since these mushrooms are quite expensive this is a simple, organic, clean and affordable way to get Shiitake mushrooms.

Do try it yourself by following these simple steps:
- STEP 1: During the month of March- April, buy Shiitake mushroom plugs (available at ICAR, Umroi, Ri Bhoi District).
- STEP 2: Take some living hardwood tree logs which are easily accessible to you. (Any living tree log will work, except for Pine trees, as the sap of the Pine tree is poisonous to the mushrooms.)
- STEP 3: Cut the logs into 2-3 feet in length, depending on how much mushrooms you would like to grow in your garden.
- STEP 4: Drill 2-3 inch holes along the length of the logs, leaving a few gaps in between the holes, for the mushrooms to get room to grow.
- STEP 5: Insert each mushroom plug into these drilled holes.
- STEP 6: After inserting the mushroom plugs seal them with candlewax.
- STEP 7: In a big tub, put in all of these logs and fill it with water till it covers the logs. Continue keeping them submerged in water, outdoors in a warm and moist place, till the month of September-October.
- STEP 8: In October, when you start seeing the mushrooms grow, take them out from the tub and spread them out in your garden and they are ready for harvest. The mushroom cap should be brown to black in colour and stems should be white.
- STEP 9: After plucking all the mushrooms, you can reuse the same logs without having to plant again. Just submerge them in water again till the month of harvest and follow the same method.

Photo Credit: Toshan Kharbihkhiew

Now you’ll be able to afford the delight of trying different Shiitake mushroom recipes in the comfort of your own home.
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